PrestaShop Module Home Page Popup Ads based on selected languages
Author: zohaibk
PrestaShop Links Block for Selected Category and Language
PrestaShop Links Block for Selected Category and Language
PrestaShop how to move back-office left menu into the top side menu position
PrestaShop how to move back-office left menu into the top side menu position
PrestaShop Geolocation (GeoIP) Popup Demo – Popup Message and Redirect Links Based on Country.
PrestaShop Geolocation (GeoIP) Popup Demo – Popup Message and Redirect Links Based on Country.
PrestaShop Module Testing Using Structured Data Testing Tool
PrestaShop Module Testing Using Structured Data Testing Tool
PrestaShop test multi-language website configuration using language switch drop-down option.
PrestaShop test multi-language website configuration using language switch drop-down option.
PrestaShop Free Module Colorbox – Popup and Video
PrestaShop Free Module Colorbox – Popup and Video
PrestaShop how to add a quick access menu option in the back-office
PrestaShop how to add a quick access menu option in the back-office
®Magento 2 how to change the admin password
®Magento 2 how to change the admin password
PrestaShop how to enable access to a single module using profile and permissions
PrestaShop how to enable access to a single module using profile and permissions
PrestaShop hook unhook module transplant module from back-office
PrestaShop hook unhook module transplant module from back-office
PrestaShop Google Translation Widget Demo
PrestaShop Google Translation Widget Demo
PrestaShop How To Improve Speed
PrestaShop How To Improve Speed
®Magento 2 how to install extension in 12 minutes
®Magento 2 how to install the extension in 12 minutes
®Magento 2 free module Social Media like Floating Sidebar on the Home Page
®Magento 2 free module Social Media like Floating Sidebar on the Home Page
®Magento 2 module Geolocation Redirect Visitor Country
®Magento 2 module Geolocation Redirect Visitor Country
®Magento 2 how to add Google Analytics
®Magento 2 how to add Google Analytics
PrestaShop how to set a 10% discount for a customer group
PrestaShop how to set a 10% discount for a customer group
PrestaShop how to configure and use free module Database Management Tool (Adminer)
PrestaShop how to configure and use free module Database Management Tool (Adminer)
PrestaShop how to enable Geolocation and use it
PrestaShop how to enable Geolocation and use it
PrestaShop Pop-up on exit page to encourage customers for sales
PrestaShop Pop-up on the exit page to encourage customers for sales
PrestaShop configure social login module with Facebook Apps
PrestaShop configure social login module with Facebook Apps
PrestaShop Sample Usages and Specifics
Managing a catalog in multistore mode In the multistore mode, some of the PrestaShop administration pages feature a prominent drop-down menu, titled “Multistore configuration for”. This menu gives you the context of what you are doing: it enables you to set the shop or shop group to which the changes you are making are applied. For instance, when creating a…
PrestaShop Setting a shop’s URL
Each shop can have its own web address (URL) – or even several addresses – entirely independent from the main shop (the first shop you have installed). You must define at least one web address for each shop. Two shops cannot share the same address. If you try to give a new shop an address that is already in use…
PrestaShop Creating a new shop group
Having shop groups enables you to share certain characteristics between the shops in that group: catalog, employees, carriers, modules, etc. It allows you to manage a set of shops as easily as you would a single shop, while still being able to fine-tune the details of each shop manually. Applying new parameters to all the shops in a group only…
PrestaShop Theme & Logo
Its title says it all: the “Theme & Logo” page enables you to efficiently manage your themes, and this is where you go if you want to update your logo. Adaptation to Right-to-Left (RTL) languages New since PrestaShop 1.7.3! PrestaShop supports Right-To-Left (RTL) languages. Not only the back office and its themes are now fully RTL compatible, but we are also introducing…
PrestaShop Maintenance Settings
This very simple preference page will be invaluable when you want to make changes to your shop without your customers noticing. For instance, when you are adding several new products at once, or when you want to change the theme and make several tests before making it available to the world. This page only has three options: Enable Shop.…
PrestaShop General parameters
The “General” page features a handful of specific settings that could not fit in the other menus. They are nonetheless essential: Enable SSL. SSL means “Secure Sockets Layer”, and includes TSL (for “Transport Layer Security”). Both are cryptographic Internet protocols that secure Web communications. You can read more about these protocols on Wikipedia: Providing an SSL connection to your shop…
PrestaShop Shipping Preferences
The more general settings of your shop’s shipping configuration are found in the “Preferences” page, under the “Shipping” menu. This page provides handling charges settings: Handling charges. Enter the per-order handling expenses, which will be added to the final purchase price. This is separate from your shipping costs: it is really the cost of you or your employee having to…
PrestaShop Managing Shipping
The way you choose to send your products is a key element for the administration and success of your store. You must explain the wide variety of methods available, which can mix carriers, regional and international taxes, the weight of the package, and the price of a product itself. Fortunately, PrestaShop makes it easier for you to handle everything on…
PrestaShop Customer analysis
It should be noted that visitors and customers are separate entities. Visitors are unknown people (not yet registered or not connected) that search your store. Clients are people who are recognized by your store (registered and connected). Interesting visitors In itself, making the number of higher visitors is not important. This mainly serves as an indicator for the evolution of…
PrestaShop Analysis of orders
Order analysis Adjust solutions for clients Knowing the means of time control for clients allows you to analyze its performance in the order, whether the purchase is generally reflected or spontaneous. Adjust your bid based on this behavior, you can enlarge the description, add more photos, and then draw attention to a certain product for a short time …). Adapt…
PrestaShop Products analysis
Verify the store and its contents These statistics show you a product overview to ensure consistency in your store. It’s not always easy to handle the entire store. To avoid forgetting the product descriptions, the automatic warning will suggest a complete description for items that do not have them. Focus on the type of product sold! The ranking shows you…
The PrestaShop file structure
Prestashop developers have done our best to separate various parts of the best and intuitive software. This is the way the file is organized: / Admin: Contains all Prestashop files related to Back-Office. When accessing this folder with your browser, you will be asked to provide the right identification, for security reasons. Important: You have to make sure to protect…
PrestaShop Custom Banners for Selected Categories and Languages
The custom banners management module allows administrators to add multiple rotating banner images as per time interval configure from back-office with URL to redirect, status, date from back-office. The banner images will be shown in the front office. This extension helps to advertise multiple rotating banners in the front-end and banners management in the admin panel. The banners management extension…
PrestaShop Custom HTML, CSS, JS on Selected Pages
The module allows adding custom CSS, HTML, tags, JavaScript code inside head tag on selected product, cms, category, home page or other pages of online store. It helps to add different tags related to SEO, design, google fonts, and different software integration on the head tags like SEO website verification, open graph, twitter card, schema markup, geolocation tags, and other…
Web Hosting | Hostinger Web Hosting | Cloud | VPS | Windows | Linux
Hostinger Web Hosting VPS Hosting Cloud Hosting Hoster is a global web hosting company specializing in cheap packages that are packed with features. What they offer is simple: the quality of web hosting is also very cheap. Founded in Lithuania in 2004, Hosterers have developed into a brand hosting worldwide with operations in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North and…
PrestaShop SEO Structured Data Schema Markup & Rich Snippet – Rich Cards LD+JSON
The addon helps to add structured data about business details, operating hours, reviews, location, and social pages etc to show rich snippet in search results and help in SEO. Google search works hard to understand the content of a page. We can help by providing explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on…
Prestashop Social Login – Sign-In using Social Networks
Social Login – Sign-In using Social Networks A social login is a kind of single sign-on where the user uses the existing login information of a social network like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc to log on to a website, instead of creating a new log-in account especially for that website. Social login helps in a higher conversion rate for registrations…
Having an e-commerce site is no longer a luxury but a necessity, or even an obligation to acquire and retain new customers. Today everything is happening through the internet. A lot of the transactions are online. Did you know that your customers are looking for you on the internet? So what are you waiting for to set up an e-commerce…
Having an e-commerce site is no longer a luxury but a necessity, or even an obligation to acquire and retain new customers. Today everything is happening through the internet. A lot of the transactions are online. Did you know that your customers are looking for you on the internet? So what are you waiting for to set up an e-commerce…
Prestashop | E-Commerce | Shopping Carts
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop Page Meta Title and Meta Description Management
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop Google Translation Widget Demo
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop How to do tasks videos
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop hook unhook module transplant module from back-office
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop how to hide product attributes values in the URL
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
[FREE MODULES] PrestaShop Popup YouTube Video – Colorbox
The module helps to add YouTube videos regarding offers, promotions, products, stores, etc, and showcase in the home page popup based on selected languages from the back-office. It helps to show different videos based on multilingual store language. This module helps the administrator to showcase different popups for different stores based on language selection from the back-office. This allows showing…
PrestaShop Social Login Module Block Labels and Position Management
Buy useful PrestaShop addons Magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
[FREE MODULE] PrestaShop Home Page Popup – Colorbox
The module helps to add popup image ads on the home page related to products, offers, promotions, etc & showcase them in the front-office using interactive popup. Numerous studies show that conversion rates increase remarkably with the use of pop-ups. It is a unique way of commanding attention; a well designed and well-written pop-up can be a real boon to…