Personal Development Guide

Combining Physical And Mental Personal Development For Greater Success

Combining Physical And Mental Personal Development For Greater Success I am an advocate of doing personal development daily. You should listen to motivational recordings on a daily basis to improve your mental outlook and your focus. You should read motivational books daily to strengthen you motivation using another modality. You should exercise daily to improve your body and your mind. Where are you going to find the time to do all of these things? The answer is combining your physical and mental personal development. Let me tell you about my favorite method.

I am a walker. My favorite form of exercise is to get outside and walk fast. It gets the heart pumping faster, the blood flowing freely, and gives me time to use my mind. Walking does not require intense thought. I walk approximately one hour every day. I use this same time to listen to motivational audio recordings. I take my MP3 player with me when I head out for my morning walk. I have the player loaded with recording from top motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, David Wood, Jim Rohn, and even Oprah. I get a dose of motivation while I walk.

Personal development is not limited to motivation, though. You need to expand your knowledge to help you fulfill your goals. I add audio books to my playlist that help me learn the skills to obtain my goals. This can include books on financial development, fitness, proper diet, memory improvement, or any other skill you need to learn.

I split my hour walk into two sections. The first 30 minutes I listen to motivational speakers to get my mind moving in overdrive. Then I switch into learning mode. The last 30 minutes of my walk is spent listening to teachers explaining ways I can improve my life using their techniques and systems. You cannot imagine the power of starting your day this way. You go from sleeping to physically alert and active in moments. You go from sluggish thoughts to excitement. You go from wondering how to solve problems to getting the advice you need to move forward. You do it all before you start your workday.

I have not forgotten about the reading time. I have an inexpensive exercise bike in my home. It is setup in the family room where everyone watches television. In the evening, I get on my exercise bike and pedal slowly while I read. This helps me wind down from the day and still get a little additional exercise. I am spending time with my family and reading inspirational words. I do not worry about the disruptions from the family or the television. I am reading to relax and absorb. The words flow into my subconscious where they provide the greatest benefit.

There is one last piece of advice I want to offer. Write down your goals and read them before you start your morning workout and after you finish reading your inspirational book at night. Plant those goals deeply in your mind while you continue your personal development quest. You will be surprised as you start seeing your goals moving closer day by day.

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