Insider Secrets To Making Your Internet Marketing Business Grow If you’re already into Internet Marketing and are earning some money online with one website, you should know that you can make your business grow by simply following some insider secrets that successful Internet marketers are using to make tens of thousands of dollars per month online.
If you want to know what these insider secrets are, read below to know:
1. Build another website
If you’re already earning some money from one website, take the time to build another related website. Some Internet marketers will encourage you to build a website in a totally different niche, you can do this, however, be sure to thoroughly research the market, especially on the market’s hot buttons. Build more and more websites until you reach your income goal. Ideally, you should build 100 websites.
2. Curate content
Many people, including experienced Internet marketers, believe they need to constantly
churn out 100% unique articles every time, however, the truth is that many publishers of high-traffic websites do not post unique articles, they simply take content like pictures, video and text, from other websites and write a few paragraphs here and there.
So, if we shocked you by saying you should build 100 websites, don’t worry because there are many tools out there to help you curate content for all of your websites.
3. Getting into the keyword conversation
Whether you’re using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or online advertising as your marketing method, make sure you know what’s going in a person’s mind when he’s searching for this or that keyword. While there are keywords that indicate a person is simply looking for information online, there are keywords that broadcast a person is ready to buy.
If you want to make a lot of money online, the most important skill you need to hone is identifying buyer keywords. Of course, a working knowledge on SEO or getting your websites to the top of Google for your keyword is also critical.
4. Building a list
Successful marketers will tell you that the money is, really, in the email list. There’s a reason for this, not the least of which is that you can sell different products to the people on your list over and over again. This is very different from simply making people click on your affiliate link from your website. When a website visitors click on your link, your contact with him or her is gone forever.
5. Building a relationship with your list
Remember that you’re selling things to people online, not automatons, so it’s very important that you build a relationship with them. Show people that you truly care about them by sharing only useful information in your emails. Give a lot before you take. Ideally, you should send four useful emails before you send them an email promoting this or that product. But even when it’s a sales email, make sure you’re not doing any hard sell. Always talk about the benefits a product can offer them.