Internet Marketing On A Low Budget One of the big problems that a lot of people have when they are just starting out in internet marketing, is how to create publicity and get customers without spending money that they simply do not have. People in this position look on with envy as other marketers talk about their average spend on advertising, and which paid methods yield the best results. So here are some ideas for getting publicity for your business and customers for your shopping cart, while spending as little as possible.
Press Releases.
Look at your business and think about what you have actually done. Perhaps you have started up a business which has no competition in your local area – you are the first. Or perhaps you have boosted your start-up venture by using crowdfunding. Both of these events will make great core stories for a press release that you can write and distribute online for news sites and other media to pick up and report on, thus giving you free and widespread publicity.
There are many more things you have done and will do that will make great press releases – whenever you interview someone or are interviewed by someone, you can create a press release about it.
Whenever you have enough data about your site visitors to say something interesting about them, you can put out a press release about how customers who buy one product also buy another item (especially if the two products are not ones that you would usually link together). Press releases are easy and can be free, although you can also pay for increased syndication.
Event Hosting.
If I told you that there was a way that you could get to meet your target market for lunch and they would pay for it all, wouldn’t you be interested? Of course you would. Well, there are several ways that you can do this and make sure that you benefit from it every time while also ensuring that your target market get what they want too.
‘Dating Dinners’. This is where you invite two separate types of people to meet together who have complementary interests. For example, entrepreneurs who want to meet investors, and investors looking for entrepreneurs to invest in.
The advantages to both parties are obvious, and the organiser gets the benefit of mixing with a large group of influential people who probably would not be so interested in meeting up for lunch with just the organiser. They would come to meet the other influential people, you would create a reputation for yourself as an important influence in your target market, and your list of business contacts would be the envy of all the businesspeople in your area, and also online.
Seminars or Workshops.
If you organised an event where people paid to be in the room while a series of experts shared their wisdom, you would create very similar successful results to the method above. At events such as these, attendees pay not just to be taught by experts, but also for the amazing opportunities to mingle and network during breaks and at mealtimes.
So there you have a few great ideas for boosting your internet marketing on a budget. Any of these ideas can be implemented in yuor business straight away and at little or no cost to you