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®Magento 2 how to configure SMTP
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to configure Email
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to create admin user and roles
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to enable and disable extension
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to add Google Analytics
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to enable SSL
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to create sitemap and robots.txt file
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to optimize speed
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to change admin URL
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to add Zopim (Zendesk) live chat
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to setup reCAPTCHA
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2.0 installation with sample data on localhost lampp xampp
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to enable exception printing
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to install extension in 12 minutes
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento Extension Geolocation Redirect Visitor Country
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento Extension Social Media like Floating Sidebar on the Home Page
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 How to change logo image on the home page
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
®Magento 2 how to change admin URL
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop Advanced Stock Management
PrestaShop features a complete stock management feature: more than just merely listing how much of a specific product you have currently available, this menu enables you to list warehouses and get a proper view of your stock, its movement, your coverage, your stock orders, etc. Not all merchants will have a need for this feature. It is therefore optional, and…
PrestaShop Translations
PrestaShop provides you with a full translation tool for your shop. This helps you add and edit your pages translations. This way, you are the master of your shop and can handle your translated strings, or expressions, without having to wait for official translators to publish their corrections. Indeed, PrestaShop comes in many languages, and both the administration panel and…
PrestaShop Sample Usages and Specifics
Managing a catalog in multistore mode In the multistore mode, some of the PrestaShop administration pages feature a prominent drop-down menu, titled “Multistore configuration for”. This menu gives you the context of what you are doing: it enables you to set the shop or shop group to which the changes you are making are applied. For instance, when creating a…
PrestaShop Misc. information
Keep a test version at hand! After you have completed setting up your shop to get it just the way you want it, but before officially opening it to the buying public, we strongly recommend that you install a local test version on your personal computer (using WAMP for Windows, MAMP for Mac, or LAMP for Linux, or XAMPP for any of those platforms), or elsewhere on your hosting server.…
PrestaShop Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Turning the error message display on in case of unexpected and persistent blank pages Module For PrestaShop 1.6 and higher you can use a module: If your back office and/or front office start displaying a blank or incomplete page regularly without any error message, it is necessary to activate the display of the PHP errors in order to…
PrestaShop PHP configuration
Manipulating php.ini Many of the advices in this guide require you to edit the php.ini file, found in your server’s PHP install folder (not in PrestaShop’s folder). Not all hosts will allow you to edit or even access this file, so contact your host if you cannot access it. For instance, you probably won’t have access to php.ini on a…
PrestaShop Payment Preferences
Payment preferences The payment preferences are meant to help you decide which payment method should be available to your customers depending on the currency, the country, the group or the carrier. Do pay attention to this page if you want no suprises! Payment module restrictions on currencies Depending upon the payment, the customer’s choice of currency can differ. You can…
PrestaShop Setting a shop’s URL
Setting a shop’s URL Each shop can have its own web address (URL) – or even several addresses – entirely independent from the main shop (the first shop you have installed). You must define at least one web address for each shop. Two shops cannot share the same address. If you try to give a new shop an address that…
PrestaShop multistore interface
Managing your stores The “Multistore” page comprises three mains sections: Multistore tree. Gives you a bird’s eye view of your shop groups, their shops, and even the various URLs tied to a single shop. By default, there is only one shop, in the default group: the main shop. Shop groups table. Lists the available shop groups. You can edit them by…
PrestaShop Managing your Modules
PrestaShop comes with a set of modules that can be installed/uninstalled and configured as desired, in order to customize and complete your shop. The range of actions is virtually unlimited: the extensibility of PrestaShop makes it possible to turn your shop into exactly what you intend it to do, instead of you having to comply with constraints that you did not…
PrestaShop Payment Preferences
The payment preferences are meant to help you decide which payment method should be available to your customers depending on the currency, the country, the group or the carrier. Do pay attention to this page if you want no suprises! Payment Module Restrictions on Currencies Depending upon the payment, the customer’s choice of currency can differ. You can limit the…
PrestaShop Geolocation Preferences
Geolocation is “the identification of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar, a mobile phone or an Internet-connected computer” (read more on In our case, geolocation is used to discover the location of a visitor, using his or her computer’s IP and other tools. One of the uses of geolocation is to block visitors from certain…
PrestaShop Payment Methods
The “Payment Methods” page is pretty straightforward, with two sections. Active payment. The payment methods currently enabled on your shop. An action button allows you to manage the modules, with the same options that the ones available on the Modules page. Recommended payment gateways. Depending on your location and shop settings, PrestaShop will show you the available payment methods for your…
PrestaShop Managing Shipping
How you choose to ship your products is a key element to the management and success of your store. You must account for the great variety of available methods, which can mix carriers, regional and international taxes, package weight and the price of a product itself. Luckily, PrestaShop makes it easy for you to handle it all in just a…
Shop Parameters General Settings
The “General” page features a handful of specific settings that could not fit in the other menus. They are nonetheless essential: Enable SSL. SSL means “Secure Sockets Layer”, and includes TSL (for “Transport Layer Security”). Both are cryptographic Internet protocols which secure Web communications. You can read more about these protocols on Wikipedia: Providing an SSL connection to your shop…
Creating an Order
One of the features of PrestaShop is the ability to create an order directly from the back office. For instance, this is tremendously useful when a customer wants to buy a product but does not succeed, and you need to take the hand and make the order while on the phone or during an e-mail conversation with the customer. Clicking…
PrestaShop how to configure and use free module Database Management Tool (Adminer)
Buy useful prestashop addons magento extensions for online stores We have extensions in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality.The modules help to get extra features in online stores and work with all versions. Helps to enhance the performance of the store in different categories like SEO, Security, Analytics, Sales, Social Media, Administration,…
PrestaShop how to configure and use webservices
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PrestaShop free module notifications menu bar on home page for versions 1.5,1.6 and 1.7
BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. Please visit website for details information about each extension , demo URLs and pricing information. Back-Office Demo URL => Front-Office URL => BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP MODULES Prestashop Addons Marketplace URL LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL.
PrestaShop how to speed up back-office by disabling addons api calls.
BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. Please visit website for details information about each extension , demo URLs and pricing information. Back-Office Demo URL => Front-Office URL => BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP MODULES Prestashop Addons Marketplace URL LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL.
PrestaShop how to configure and use SMTP settings for Emails.
BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. Please visit website for details information about each extension , demo URLs and pricing information. Back-Office Demo URL => Front-Office URL => BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP MODULES Prestashop Addons Marketplace URL LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL.
PrestaShop How to change home page slider images
BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. Please visit website for details information about each extension , demo URLs and pricing information. Back-Office Demo URL => Front-Office URL => BUY USEFUL PRESTASHOP MODULES Prestashop Addons Marketplace URL LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL.
My Friend Is Depressed And I Don t Know How To Help
‘My Friend Is Depressed And I Don’t Know How To Help!’ Whether it be a close friend or family member, it’s hard to discover that someone close to you is suffering from depression. You want to help in some way, to ease their pain, to let them know that you are there for them. There are so many things you…
I m Having A Baby So Why Don t I Feel Happy What You Need To Know About Depression During Pregnancy
‘I’m Having A Baby, So Why Don’t I Feel Happy?’ What You Need To Know About Depression During Pregnancy You have dreamed of this moment since you were a little girl pushing your doll around in a pram. Now the time is here, you are carrying your very own baby and this time it won’t be a doll that you’ll…
When a Spouse Has Depression
When a Spouse Has Depression Depression affects not only the patient, but also the family. The spouse of a depressed patient must be very tolerant. They must be very patient and they must be very loving. Take Time For Yourself As the spouse of someone with depression, it’s very important to take some time for yourself. Get away from the…
What to Do When You Feel Depressed
What to Do When You Feel Depressed At some point every individual is going to feel some type of depression, or negative thoughts when feeling empty and alone inside. While many of us figure out ways to work through the process, others find it more challenging, and require some type of outside help. Regardless of how you acquired your depression,…
What to Do When Being Blindsided by Depression
What to Do When Being Blindsided by Depression Many people suffering from depression were blindsided, where it hit them without warning. Now that they have it, they realize exactly how challenging their life can be, and see no hope for improvement. That is a natural reaction and just one of the many symptoms of dealing with the disease. However, there…
What Is Postpartum Depression
What Is Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is entirely different from the “baby blues” that women often suffer from the first few weeks after giving birth. Women will often have difficulty sleeping, feel moody and cry easily, and feel completely overwhelmed. Generally women can expect to lose the blues about two weeks to a month after giving birth. Postpartum Depression, on…
What Is Major Depression
What Is Major Depression Major depression, also referred to as clinical depression, is the severest form of depression. Sufferers experience a constant state of hopelessness and despair. The symptoms are far more severe that those experienced by people suffering from chronic depression. They very often have significant difficulty sleeping, eating, working, and even enjoying the company of their family and…
What Is Depression And What Can Cause Depression
What Is Depression And What Can Cause Depression? Introduction Many people describe depression as a severe case in which someone feels extreme inadequacy, and feels useless within themselves the majority of the time. It can be a mental condition that can result in a lack of goals, desire and motivation and in the long-term can eventually lead to a loss…
What Is Depression
What Is Depression According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the fourth most burdensome disease each year. Burdensome diseases are defined as those that affect people for an extended period of time, typically for years. They estimate that there are 120 million people that suffer from this illness every year worldwide. In the U.S. the total estimated to…