Personal Development: Learning How to Give to Others Personal development means developing aspects of your personal life that will enhance, or improve your life in positive ways. Personal development will give you a sense of purpose, fulfillment and pride in your accomplishments. Developing your personal life will improve your outlook, and give your existence a whole new meaning.
There are many paths you can take toward personal development. You can make your own plan, and include goals such as body image, financial independence, spiritual development and improving important relationships. One goal that can have a significant impact on your personal development is learning to give to others. Below, you will find some great ways to achieve this goal, and improve your life, as well as the lives of people around you.
Volunteer At a Hospital or Nursing Home
Maybe you have time to spare, or can use time you usually devote to meaningless activity, to enrich the lives of people confined to nursing homes or hospitals. Hospitals usually have a volunteer program, and welcome volunteers to do various tasks. These tasks may include delivering flowers to patients, keeping patients company and many things employees do not have the time to do. Nursing homes often have need of volunteers to help with patient activities, and welcome the help. All it takes is a phone call, or visit to ask about volunteer work.
Volunteer At a Soup Kitchen
Your life will be enriched by volunteering for services for the homeless, such as serving meals to families in need. You will gain a new understanding of needy people by giving your time, and serving people who have little or nothing. Not all homeless people are bums. There are many families who are homeless, due to job loss, or circumstances beyond their control. And, even a bum needs a smile and a hot meal. Develop your compassionate side, and find a volunteer position at a kitchen for the needy.
Home Visits
If you have a church, or know of a church in your area, you might inquire about visiting ailing church members either at home, or in the hospital. Someone who might otherwise be lonely, or have no one to visit them, may gain a new and positive outlook from a visit from a caring person. You can provide conversation, read to children or the elderly, or offer to do tasks, such as gathering mail, or making small trips to the grocery store. The most you will probably need to provide is a background check if you want to participate in this type of program.
Spend Time at a Safe House For Abused Women and Children
Women and their children in safe houses and shelters for the abused are scared, confused and afraid for their lives in many cases. Volunteers can offer help in gathering and distributing personal items to residents, such as shampoos, toothbrushes, soaps and other sundries that may help them to feel more at home. Items for children could include coloring books and crayons, games and books.
As you can see, there are many people in our world who are in need of a caring person, a smile or help with a special need. There is often no one there to help. Your personal development will grow by leaps and bounds with pride and a sense of peace that you can only achieve by giving to your fellow human beings.