PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop API

PrestaShop provides a web service API that allows developers to interact with PrestaShop data programmatically. This API is based on the REST architecture, which means it uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform operations on resources.

Here are some key points and examples related to the PrestaShop API:

  1. Enable API in PrestaShop: Before you can start using the PrestaShop API, you need to make sure it’s enabled in your PrestaShop back office. Go to Advanced Parameters -> Webservice and enable the “Enable PrestaShop’s webservice” option.
  2. API Key: To authenticate your requests, you’ll need an API key. You can generate one in the Webservice section of the PrestaShop back office.
  3. API Endpoints: The PrestaShop API provides various endpoints for different resources, such as customers, products, orders, etc. The base URL for the API is typically
  4. API Request Examples:
    • Get a List of Products:


  • GET[name]=[product_name]
  • Create a New Customer:
  • POST
  • Update Product Information:
  • PUT[product_id]
  • Delete a Product:


    • DELETE[product_id]

    Note: Replace [product_name] and [product_id] with the actual name or ID of the product you’re working with.

  1. API Response: The API responds with data in JSON format. You can parse this data to extract the information you need.
  2. Documentation: Refer to the official PrestaShop API documentation for detailed information on available endpoints, parameters, and examples. The documentation is often updated with each version of PrestaShop.
  3. Security Considerations: Always use HTTPS when interacting with the PrestaShop API to secure data transmission. Additionally, keep your API key secure, and only grant necessary permissions.

Remember to check the specific version of PrestaShop you are using, as the API may vary slightly between versions.

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