PrestaShop comes with a set of core modules that provide essential features and functionalities for an online store. Please note that the list of core modules may vary between different PrestaShop versions, and new modules may have been added since then. Here’s a general list of some core modules that were available in PrestaShop:
- Block Cart: Displays a shopping cart summary in the header of your store.
- Block Categories: Shows product categories in a block on your store’s pages.
- Block Layered: Allows customers to filter and refine product lists based on attributes and features.
- Block New Products: Displays recently added products on your store.
- Block Best Sellers: Displays the best-selling products on your store.
- Block Featured Products: Highlights selected featured products on your store.
- Block Specials: Displays products on sale or with special pricing.
- Block Manufacturers: Lists manufacturers or brands of products.
- Block My Account: Provides links for customer account management, order history, and more.
- Block Newsletter: Allows customers to subscribe to your newsletter.
- Block Viewed Products: Shows products recently viewed by customers.
- Block Top Menu: Displays a navigation menu at the top of your store.
- Block CMS: Allows you to create and manage custom content pages.
- Block Contact Infos: Displays contact information in the footer or other areas of your store.
- Block Store Locator: Helps customers find physical store locations if you have brick-and-mortar stores.
- Block Store Information: Displays general store information, such as address and contact details.
- Native Modules for Payment: Core payment modules like Bank Wire, Cash on Delivery, and more.
- Native Modules for Shipping: Core shipping modules for carriers and delivery options.
- Native Modules for Internationalization: Language and localization modules.
- Native Modules for SEO and URLs: Modules related to search engine optimization and URL management.
Please keep in mind that the availability and naming of these modules might have changed in newer versions of PrestaShop. To get an accurate and up-to-date list of core modules for your specific PrestaShop version, I recommend visiting the official PrestaShop documentation or browsing the modules section within your PrestaShop admin panel.
Always review the documentation and guidelines provided by PrestaShop when working with modules to ensure proper installation, configuration, and compatibility with your store’s version.