PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop google schema tools website

PrestaShop itself does not provide a built-in tool specifically for generating Google Schema Markup or structured data for your website. However, you can manually implement schema markup on your PrestaShop store using various methods. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper:
    • You can use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper ( to generate structured data code for your PrestaShop store.
    • Simply select the type of content (e.g., Products, Reviews, etc.) you want to mark up, paste the URL of your product or category page, and then highlight and tag the relevant information on the page.
    • Once you’ve tagged the information, you can generate the HTML markup code, which you can then add to your PrestaShop template files.
  2. Manual Implementation:
    • You can manually add structured data to your PrestaShop templates by editing the HTML code directly. This requires some knowledge of HTML and structured data markup (usually in JSON-LD format).
    • Refer to Google’s documentation on structured data ( to understand how to mark up different types of content, such as products, reviews, breadcrumbs, and more.
  3. Schema Markup Modules and Plugins:
    • There might be third-party PrestaShop modules or plugins available in the PrestaShop Addons marketplace that can help you automate the process of adding schema markup to your store. You can search for such modules and install them based on your requirements.
  4. Custom Development:
    • If you have specific requirements or if you want to implement custom schema markup for your PrestaShop store, you may need to hire a developer with experience in PrestaShop and structured data.

Remember that Google’s structured data guidelines and recommendations may change over time, so it’s essential to stay updated with the latest best practices for adding schema markup to ensure that your website’s information is accurately represented in search engine results.

Since my knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021, I recommend checking the PrestaShop documentation, community forums, and the Google Webmaster documentation for the most up-to-date information and tools related to implementing structured data for your PrestaShop store.

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