What To Do In Real Estate – Selling If you have real estate and plan on selling it, there are lots of steps to consider to get top price. There are also many professionals who can help you – from realtors to lawyers specializing in real estate down to companies that specialize in presenting your home in the best possible way.
If you have a good realtor, he or she should walk through the property with you and then sit down and explain if there are any obvious things you can do to improve the look of your place to make buyers eager to give you their cash.
This could include simple things like removing all clutter but also you might have to paint walls, and wash carpets to give the property that nice fresh and clean feel. There might also be repairs to be made – maybe a window needs replaced or some roof tiles. The better your house looks, the quicker it will sell. This is also true of your garden, if you have one. Make sure the grass is cut, there are no weeds and that trees and hedges are trimmed if necessary. If you are selling in the summer, get some nice hanging baskets to put around the garden to cheer things up. This doesn’t cost a lot but the effect is often stunning.
If any major renovations need to be done – a new bathroom, for example – just remember the money spent on this will possibly get your house sold quicker and maybe for even more money. There are also quick fixes like changing the handles on kitchen cabinets which can make a difference. If necessary you can also replace the kitchen cabinet doors and that can make a huge difference but is far cheaper than replacing the entire cabinets.
Some people choose to have a home inspection done before putting the house or condo on the market. This is not a bad idea as you then know the very worst about your house! The buyers will have their own done anyway. This could mean you have to insulate the attic or replace some plugs, etc. Often not too big a deal to do but really good for the sale.
When prospective buyers walk through your property they want to think of it as possibly theirs. Therefore, as weird as it sounds, there should be lots of room in closets, cupboards and drawers. You can, for example, take half your clothes out of your closet and put them away in a suitcase. This makes a huge difference. Same is true of the kitchen. Put some things in storage so the cupboards look half full.
The same applies to the furnishings. Less is more so get ready to store some furniture and take down most of your paintings. The idea is to make your home more like a hotel. This is simply because people who walk through have more opportunity to fantasize how it would look with their furniture, paintings, etc. If the place is overstuffed with furniture and three paintings and mirrors on every wall, it is hard for them to imagine anything as they are overwhelmed. You need them to see a house that has been ‘depersonalized’. This also means taking down your family photos.
These often simple steps can get your real estate sold in record time and hopefully a great price.