Real Estate Selling Guide

Your Open House Bringing the Buyers Back

Your Open House: Bringing the Buyers Back Selling your home is a major undertaking. That is why most people choose to hire a real estate agent to do the advertising, listing and legal matters that pertain to a home sale. One of the important jobs a realtor does is holding open houses. This gives prospective buyers a chance to see what the home looks like, and to see if it meets their needs. Even though your realtor will hold the open house, your job is just as important: getting your home ready for the big day. How you prepare your home for your open house can either bring buyers back for another look, or send them running to other homes on the market. Read on for some important things you can do to increase buyer interest in your home.

Curb Appeal
Curb appeal is how appealing your home looks from the street. Your home’s curb appeal will set the tone for buyers who may want to come inside to look further. To make the outside of your home shine, make sure your yard and landscaping look their best. Mow the lawn, trim hedges, pull weeds and clean up any messes. It is important that the home’s paint is not peeling, and the roof shows no sign of moss. Add a pot of flowers to the porch for a cheerful look.

A Cheery Interior
The inside of your home should be clean from top to bottom. Hire a professional house-keeper if you don’t have enough time to do a great job. To give the home a cheerful look, make sure the windows are clean, and open any blinds or curtains to let in as much natural light as possible. Add some brightness by switching out your 60-watt bulbs for 75-watt ones in your light fixtures. Add a vase full of fresh flowers to your entry or dining room table for an inviting look.

Cozy Up
If it is rainy or cold outside, light a fire if you have a fireplace. A fire adds warmth and cheer to a living room, and everyone likes a warm fire. Another homey tip is to bake a batch of your favorite cookies before the open house for an inviting scent.

Bathroom Ambiance
Bathrooms are a personal area in a home, and yours should be free from personal items, such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes and used soap. Make sure mirrors are clean, put out fresh, colorful hand towels and keep the toilet lid down. Instead of potpourri or scented sprays, try filling the tub half-full of warm water and a nice-smelling bubble bath. Drain the tub before the open house, and the scent will last while guests are there.

Sound Appeal
Instead of letting buyers walk through your silent home, try playing some soft instrumental music during your open house. Some people feel uncomfortable when a house is too quiet, and music is a great mood-lifter.

Although your realtor will hold the open house for you, it won’t be nearly as successful without touches only you can provide. Give your home a perfectly polished look inside and out, and you will have buyers coming back for more!


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